Your eloquence, Neophyte-Ronin------>
astonishes me. You are one of the more charming personas I have come across here at Old NG's (so FAR, mind you, I'm still very much so a n00b in relation to MOST of you). Your response to My Hentai post was, intriguing, to say the least. I am, in fact, looking into purchasing, one of those Pocket Constitutions (currently being sold for about .50 a piece with NO shipping charges). Why SHOULDN'T I know it from front to back. That way I WILL be able to use those amendments to MY advantage. You are absolutely right, my friend, absoLUTEly right.
I'm off to read your OTHER posts now. You got me curious.
Oh, and as for the tail gating, I AM one, at least during College Football season.
Naw, but seriously, I drive pretty efficiently, ESPECIALLY for a Woman! Heh heh heh I'd make you proud. Until next time. . .
............Take care, be good and conserve.period
I nearly died on the road today. Some stupid fucking bitch cut into my lane on the motorway (highway in America). I had to slam on. When I caught up to her, she got a massive dose of the finger. In other words, I completely agree, drivers are fucking cunts!!