View Profile Neophyte-Ronin
When one is drained of all humor, anything beautiful is met with one of two things: disdainful worry or worrisome disdain. Anything ugly is met with violence. Flash is complex and beautiful, not a toy. Keep that in mind... or things get ugly real quick.

Age 42, Male

Student & Volunteer

Quinsigamond Community College

Upton, MA USA

Joined on 9/3/03

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Posted by Neophyte-Ronin - May 1st, 2009

People purchase "safe" care like sport utility vehicles as a lousy excuse to not learn how to drive.

People stick labels like "Baby on Board" onto their chariots as a means of instilling guilt upon other drivers, reckless or not, to make them drive more carefully.

The commute to my chosen place of work has compelled me to create excuses about why I should quit. Is that healthy? Probably not. Should not have asked....

I have a hard time figuring out why everyone has to hurry home as quickly as possible just so they can sit down. You're sitting in your car. Mission accomplished.

People cut you off and then take the very next turn some one hundred feet up ahead.

Last but not least, Tail-Gaiters... absolutely suck. I am getting sick of going ten over par just so some half-Mississippi grease-monkey can get home a little quicker. Exactly what does that do to the gas mileage? According to the manual on my ancient vessel, an average speed between thirty and thirty-five m.p.h. is decent, and it will ensure maximum gas efficiency while preventing strain on relative components in the machine, such as brakes and shocks. Seems the nation's economy is running into a ditch simply because individual consumers--not just businesses and government--are acting reprehensibly irresponsible with their machines.

Trust me, if you commuted for fifty minutes per trip and witnessed so many vehicles fall below par in the incapable hands of wankers, you'd be screamed at for not noticing a kid on a scooter waiting patiently at the crosswalk too.

P.S. My Paladin in Alexstrasza is at 75. Halfway through that bargain with my brother....


I nearly died on the road today. Some stupid fucking bitch cut into my lane on the motorway (highway in America). I had to slam on. When I caught up to her, she got a massive dose of the finger. In other words, I completely agree, drivers are fucking cunts!!

Your eloquence, Neophyte-Ronin------>
astonishes me. You are one of the more charming personas I have come across here at Old NG's (so FAR, mind you, I'm still very much so a n00b in relation to MOST of you). Your response to My Hentai post was, intriguing, to say the least. I am, in fact, looking into purchasing, one of those Pocket Constitutions (currently being sold for about .50 a piece with NO shipping charges). Why SHOULDN'T I know it from front to back. That way I WILL be able to use those amendments to MY advantage. You are absolutely right, my friend, absoLUTEly right.
I'm off to read your OTHER posts now. You got me curious.

Oh, and as for the tail gating, I AM one, at least during College Football season.

Naw, but seriously, I drive pretty efficiently, ESPECIALLY for a Woman! Heh heh heh I'd make you proud. Until next time. . .

............Take care, be good and conserve.period

I agree with you, I get tail-gaters and people just zooming past when I wind up catching up with them (at the same speed) 10 minutes later when traffic hits.

So many dumb drivers.

I just wanted to shoot a comment your way, Man and let you know that I had been thinking of you. Hope all is well with you and yours, Neophyte-Ronin! I've missed your sharp witty statements and rantings of random yet entertaining things. Anyhoo, I'll leave you alone and send a smile your way. I hope you receive it well.
Until we next type, Neo. . .

..........Take care, be good and get irritated.period

Hmmm, would you consider me a stalker
if I was the one who left 3 out of 5 comments here, Neo------?

I sure hope not. I just miss your ranting.
That's all.
<3 Gaia <3