Due to my displeasure at loaning (and never retrieving) my tablet to my now tablet-addicted brother Helbereth, I have decided to shell out $75 (est.) for a simple "Bamboo Pen". What is that, you ask? Well, it is among the Tablets from the Wacom Site.
The Intuos is a gigantic clusterfuck of a board that I cannot transport everywhere, whereas the "Bamboo Pen" has all the basics one requires of a tool while being portable as well. Since I tend to live between my parents' abode and my own apartment (and plan to incorporate a personal laptop to the mix), the Bamboo will be an excellent change of pace. Getting one is of the utmost concern.
I have already sent out for one on Sunday. Too bad the typical 2-4 day waiting period is long past. I am starting to think I will go completely mad in the meantime, because drawing with the mouse (for a PC-conditioned lefty like me) is torture. I can just imagine what I can create through the digital interface, but until I have a tool or medium they are nothing but pipe dreams.
Having carefully evaluated my finances and cortisone levels peaking, I have decided to resign from my current part-time job. It wasn't the job itself that did it, but the commute and diminishing lack of social contacts, as well as time to devote to Flash. My college grades are beginning to suck painfully hard as well. Because Flash and game design are integral to my desired vocation, I have decided to slice spending to a minimum and seek something else to do with my time that is nowhere near as painful as my current arrangement.