...He Ain't Replying to Reviewers
Super Press Space To Win Action Role-Playing Game...?
This is satire... disgustingly bad satire... period. It picks on video game marketing and the dumbing-down of popular genres. If you value freedom and challenge in games, this is only going to piss you off. Do not expect anything better after just a few weeks of work.
It's all forced. You can't use force in satire. Government is force. If government is force, then it's only good at pigs, grunts, and courts. Everything else is superfluous. Government is, however, never a satire, since that and force don't combine so well. Don't pay your taxes and watch how satirical the government is.
Ad Debunking:
For "Dynamic Real-Time Combat", nobody will get it until they see "Press Space To Win". All you DO IS PRESS THE SPACE BAR to advance the game. No "Win" here.
"Upgradeable Stats" simply means that only certain playing styles--based on stats--will actually work. Lots of people prefer strength first. It's overused and unimaginative. Too bad the joke we "get" isn't "funny", though.
"Magic Spells" in such games are traditionally limited to "Evocation" spells that center around the four hermetic elements. Fire is overused. There are other spells from pen-and-pad games that receive no attention, spells that can work well in an action role-play if people don't mind programming extra variables and other nuances. Unfortunately, nobody is brave enough to try a change of pace, whereas the tired-and-true elemental approach will sell a game.
"Shops" sell antidotes and nothing but antidotes. Why do poisons only reduce health? Why not cause full-body paralysis, or make someone go unconscious? Why do I actually need to use an antidote in this game?
I counted two bosses... but one counts for two because he is allegedly bad-ass. I'll say. I doubt the ladies would want to taste that jerk. He doesn't even have a sexy voice. Did I read something about industry-standard pros performing voice-overs?
So, are these cinemas really worth the trouble, considering the decrepit game? Why, of course not! They have the terrific odor of cheese slicing through every last shred of my patience.
And when it came to testing my skills against the bosses... Pressing Space constantly made for a dull viewing of DBZ-inspired superhuman lunacy. It was enough to make me sick. Want some perspective? Think Final Fantasy: Advent Children. Enough said.
The soundtrack is of the proper diversity and length of a true-to-form Newgrounds Flash Game... but here, it is completely wasted, another fold in a satire against modern-day action role-play games. It's all a mishmash of John Williams rip-offs and dying soldier/honor code fluff.
Finally, the game intentionally sucks. This is on par with "The Most Unfair Platformer", but at least in that game, there was an objective you struggled for.
Super Press Space To Win Action RPG is just another sad author's sad cry against the commercialization and banality of modern video games... a trend that will continue as such arrogant fools do not nose-dive into that scene and tear it asunder with new concepts instead of old conventions. If such games drain the author's psyche, then devising a game that challenges--rather than merely pokes fun at--such games is preferable to forcing us to doubt the wisdom behind our video game preferences (and purchases, for that matter!).
If people think this review is too sour or morbidly serious, then they should wonder why they bothered to spend five or ten minutes reading it. It's the same length of time spent on Super PSTW Action RPG. Perhaps this writer should spend less time mincing the ineptitude of a satirist and work on his own projects? Of course, nobody should criticize the critic in the first place, especially while he's conducting research on how to design a game... and what to avoid.
In any case, keep up the GOOD work. Meaning DON'T WASTE TIME ON SUCH GARBAGE!