Bloodrun 2 is likely a polished sequel for another arcade-like game I never played since I've been away for some time, and I would have rated this higher had it not been for several quirks that I found detestable in its design.
Setting aside the cut-scene you can skip, the story shouldn't even be there. Evidently, you're playing the bad guy--a zombie who, if he can eat enough humans, become this hulk-zombie thing and kill the cops as well. The core mechanic is to roam the streets murdering an endless supply of innocent civilians while trying to dodge a posse of increasingly better-armed law enforcement personnel, of which you have no chance to repel unless you're bigger than they are (in essence, in Hulk Form).
Now, the controls are straightforward with Pac-Man-esque simplicity we're talking about here, so let me be blunt: this game isn't all that great. It falls prey to some basic and unforgivable slights. First of all, you're the bully of this game. You have to play the bad guy, which is already unsettling in that you must go around and kill to survive--and that's pretty much all you do. You not only get to eat their corpses to instantly regenerate health, you can also bite them to revive them into guys like you, who will then roam around, eating other people and distracting the cops so that you may continue to survive.
Has anybody wondered why zombie media is not only pervasive, but threatening to society's moral fabric? The game establishes two factions: you and them--society and you, really--and the objective is to wander around a metropolis biting people for food and conversion, starting with the hospital. You'll eventually die and get graded on how much carnage you had inflicted upon society.
I know Newgrounds always had an edge, but this is ridiculous. Maybe I just grew out of this garbage. Perhaps, but I also appreciate a cool game concept that is well-executed as well. It's just too bad that Bloodrun 2 fails on both fronts. You see, not only do I have to play a bully being posited as an underdog beset from all sides without having the moral questions I had just insinuated being set aside by recasting the sides with an archetype or trait we can rally around, but it has some niggling problems with its hit detection.
A game as fast-paced and intense as this one should not put you in a situation where your Hulk Mode gets stuck on the edge of an invisible block that so happens to represent a parked taxicab while pursuing an otherwise hapless civilian. It can get you killed because the police fire rounds that strike you without any affordance such as being knocked away by the bullet, to better indicate that, yes, you're being shot (I've always found it dumb how zombies don't bother to recoil from a bullet, even if their nervous system doesn't sense the injury brought on by the impact). It also brings me to tears whenever your game can end with the sudden pincer attack of multiple cops (SWAT-armored ones in particular) that just arrive from magic and gang up on you. This means you can't afford to enter an alleyway or pursue a hapless civilian unless you're really, really hungry. That's like innumerable NES games where the spawn point is just off-screen but the ratio between civilian and officer gradually gets skewed. The rate that it goes is way, way too fast. Hit Detection gets worse when it's hard to tell how a second bite will turn the character into a zombie or be devoured until only the blood remains on the pavement. So, there's no real way to know what you'll get out of your trouble. The only constant is the Hulk Mode, which increases per successful attack, but it changes your character's hit detection to be bulkier and requires multiple attempts just to get a hang of it. Oh by the way, bigger box equals you absorb bullets faster, and there's no offsetting the damage despite your increased mass. All you get is increased speed to either bob-and-weave or just plunge in for the kill, getting yourself peppered with lead in the process.
Finally, you have one life, mostly because this is a score-based game where you're trying to get onto a ratings board. Ratings boards, a pinnacle source of personal achievement in an arcade-style venue, will get flooded with zombie enthusiasts and bullies alike thanks to how this game plays out. It's not all that fun to discover what percentile you happen to be in after getting massacred on your first try. You're better off adopting the Japanese style of arcade play and just moving onto some other game after playing one session of Bloodrun 2.