Savage011 has produced a number of cartoons over the years that, despite lackluster, mediocre artistic merits, contain a great deal of earnest heart. Each cartoon has serious tone and pays homage to various genre films, like summaries of whole bunches of them. For that, they are worth checking out. "The Broken Machine" is a classic example of Savage's signature approach. It's a science fiction thriller that should have debuted on Robot Day with extra polish.
The robot Jones must retrieve an emotion disk able to restore his companion's neural network, but his employer is interested in the disk in another way. He gift-wraps information about who holds it, but are they truly on the same side?
The artwork and sound production are on the low side, but nobody can deny that this emulates a wide variety of sci-fi thrillers that Hollywood produces on regular occasion. It's also a great tribute to the ridiculous fascination Newgrounds people have with robots. MindChamber ought to get a kick out of this. The lack of vocals, perhaps a nod to silent films, is another Savage trademark--he doesn't use dialog to advance a simple plot begin with. Maybe Savage cannot incorporate voices into projects just yes, or does not wish to. In any case, you leave his cartoon with a warm smile from the cozy familiarity of the subject matter and of its treatment. This is a labor of love.
A drawback is lack of artistic flair. Flash is difficult to work with since lines never appear as they are intended without playing with settings or bending and flexing straight lines into desired contours. It's hard to transition from pencil and paper to digital media. Also, despite hints of an art background, particularly with facial compositions, Savage has a long way to go. His is a cartoonish approach that belies subject matter, showing limited routine opportunities to sketch and study the real stuff and transition this into the digital medium.
So, in the interest in helping a solid contributor to the Portal, I recommend investments in the following: Pen Tablet, Document Scanner, Figure Drawing Courses (or just study and sketch or trace photo-realistic images of humans. Carry a sketchbook everyday and everywhere.
Once you get good, you could submit a slideshow Flash displaying your best sketches; Shadman is notorious for his digital sketchbooks (well, notorious in general). Access to a document scanner is required, although a digital camera that lets you transcribe AND trace collected images onto Flash is better if you're otherwise mobile. Snap photos of anything, not just the eye-catching stuff.
Explore some of Flash's features. A Tablet is the biggest transition, though it can be tricky to draw without looking at where your hand is. Actually, this might actually be good. I've noticed long ago you can create beautiful lines without that feather effect if you don't pay attention to where your hand is, but rather where it is going. This can be transmitted to typing as well, not only to fingers but to the screen itself: look elsewhere while typing. I will write in a notepad, prop it next to my monitor, and type what I've written. Create everywhere.
Don't produce in a vacuum--simple professionalism demands being social with fellow colleagues. Don't be afraid to gush and schmooze fellow Newgrounds artists in particular whose work you applaud. Keep it up and stay consistent and enthusiastic every minute with your work. Never be afraid to keep this up, even if you think you suck right now. These steps and more are crucial to the development of an effective cartoonist.
"The Broken Machine" is a nifty Flash and shouldn't be brought down from limited artistic merit. Plenty of heart courses through this cartoon; it's to the point and can teach a veteran a thing or two about pacing and keeping it simple. "The Broken Machine" isn't flashy, but that's another source of charm: it doesn't draw attention to itself. That's got to be commendable, right? 3.5 of 5.