You're butt-fucking undead for the love of God, Gore! One would think that eating, drinking, and shitting other people's brains would give you some cool ideas with which to flesh out a metal track once in a while!
Sorry for the rant there, buddy... man, even you're around again. I have to rethink what I've been doing for the past month (nothing--depression, boredom, agony... long story, no time to tell) because now YOU'RE BACK!
And your skill hasn't waned!
It's cool to know that you can just "whip" something together and still come off as competent, because you are. Whipping stuff up was your forte in the day. These days, it hasn't changed. It's also good to know you're still undead enough to whip this stuff out to begin with. It's even better to know that the music still rocks.
Well, my heart rate is 195 over something-or-other and I feel spiffy enough to tear my pet chimera in half lengthwise from the head down to the balls. Such is the wonderful feeling I get whenever I listen to GoreBastard's 100% pure death-fucking-metal. I hope that we here at Newgrounds enjoy how he pisses blood upon the weak, the still-living, and oh yeah, those O Voters... definitely the O voters... with each and every bit of guitar mayhem that he can spread!
(Don't ask).