Short, Sweet Parody
"Cat's and Mario (WHAAAT!)" is, for what it's worth, a nice tribute to a game that doesn't use all the sprites from it. Sort of rare to incorporate utterly original sprites for this purpose, so Inswivnia gets a nod for some innovation. The ending kind of blows, however, perhaps from being rushed along under short notice. No excuses, though--that could have been better.
The best part is that it's a short cartoon, so even the most miserly of critics cannot really complain about such a miniscule amount of their time being wasted on what they consider a subpar effort. It's not thrilling, but if you despise it, it's over real quick.
Note: if this ends up enshrined by all those morons who post stupid photos and videos of house cats acting stupid with stupider captions, then it will be a case of point in why the Collection Recommendation feature is a powerful feature. This is, by definition, a video game parody. It is not Newgrounds' next Catface. Okay?