Funny and Charming
Few people know how to tread the line between spoof and heart-warming. You succeeded twicefold.
Graphics got a seven for many reasons. While sprites were applied, they were well animated, and correctly modified for a multitude of animations. However, the screen is tiny... quite tiny in fact... so the reason this wasn't like an eight or nine was squarely due to having to squint or alter the computer screen resolution.
Style got eight for being very, very stylish and fun. You definitely made these with love and care; it transcends most of the sprite movies through reliable writing and voice overs to boot.
Sound gets a ten. Though effects like echoing in certain spots, ambient outside sounds, and other such quirks could have been applied through a free program like Audacity, I never missed them when I heard the voice overs. The lot of you should consider regular voice work, and the acting was top-notch.
Violence gets a four because the only fight sequence and the bad daydream are relatively tame. It exists, but is not a central role in the story.
Interactivity gets a one. There's a "Push Start" button, and the design of the button itself goes to style. The fact that a button exists is fine by me. It would have been nice if scene selections or playback features were involved, but personally I rarely use those features anyway.
Humor gets a ten, plain and simple. The emphasis on relationships and why Link never gets to pick the game's title... these bolster the whole of the hilarity. Including the Rabbit Joint's cover of the overworld theme--almost obligatory given the context--was wise as well, even if a great multitude have used it before.
Overall gets a nine, and this goes for the entire series (didn't feel like critiquing each one step-by-step).
In terms of writing and structure, you certainly got a gift for this stuff. There was the appearance of Dark Link at the beginning that kept me thinking about where the direction would go. After you established how Link and Zelda think of each other, you devised a situation where they might just reconcile some differences. But I still had the feeling that another string of these would premiere, and if not, I'd still like to see where you could take your skills on this site or elsewhere.
Keep up the good work!