Unpolished, huh...
Your computer crashed and you lost a whole bunch of this? How many more people do I have to tell off about getting a stinking auxillary hard drive before attempting any serious creative project?
What you have here is objectively okay, though it's far beyond a teen rating--very far. The animation could be tweaked, but what can you say to a man that actually attempts this level of animation? Nude bodies in flash is pretty hard, and your attempt is pretty good.
Still, there's very little rhyme or reason behind this whole thing. There's more than what meets the eye, but the sheer grittiness and randomness besides combine to confuse the audience.
This submission could use some work. I know you're reeling from losing your material to technical issues, but at least you should remember your ideas to redo them. Trust me--with this weird stuff, you'll undoubtedly make a showing of yourself at Newgrounds.