Excellent Concept Plagued by Midi Limitation
"Too Much Spare Time" places a smile on everyone's face with the concept of "Zero Wing Rhapsody." However, the limited Midi sound and poor voices slice the score in half. Still, the concept is valid.
Queen is considered "operatic rock"; melodrama plays a key. The flash achieves this visually, but not vocally. Voices fall short of exaggerating the emotion for Queen. It seemed "TMST" "held back," and many will pick up on it.
This must be Midi, but I could be wrong. Whatever was used succeeded with the piano, but not the heavy riffs required during Cats' head-banging sequence. That spoiled the fun.
These seem trivial as a weakness, but they're hard to overcome. Flash artists who aren't musicians borrow from media collections, which works for Newgrounds but few official venues. Worse, studio recording requires hourly fees, and this site's flash artists refuse to shell out money for projects than what's deemed "standard" or "necessary." Going solo has it's share of disadvantages.
However, the sound is clear, so that counts, and the spoof is a cool concept supported by excellent visuals. If the sound gets a spontaneous overhaul, a second "All Your Base" craze won't be far off.