Game Strategy Satire--Heaven or Garden of Eden?
Flashes denouncing video games often do so by citing subjective reasons (art, story, character, developer or publisher, et cetera). Strategy Guide cites objective examples (gameplay, difficulty, technical standards, et cetera), and that makes a difference! Players agree fully with the message and never challenge its view. Strategy Guide capitalizes on players' time-old frustration with some games to great effect.
There are, however, problems that become ugly if untreated:
First, either ditch the alien family or keep it out of sight for most of the time. The cow's deaths (reminiscent of South Park) are funnier than racial stereotypes. The Newgrounds BBS frowns upon picking on retards for several reasons--one is that we can do better.
Second, the profanity is losing its edge. Don't dispel it completely, but use it sparingly! Substitute greater wit in Guido's narrative. (Think of players' conversations while playing video games. They are chuck full of hilarity.)
Building the universe for an intellectual property is done before scripting episodes. With the foundation in place, it is summoned when necessary--and never practice it dogmatically. Guido's tirades must be in the foreground. Everything else is secondary to that goal.
Observe The Walrus' "You Are a $%^&ing Moron" series. In the first episode, Reginold denounces Jessica Sampson in under a minute--expecting us to go along with his sentiment. Walrus realized one example per episode was not enough. After researching Ms. Sampson, he roasted her even more in the improved second episode. He experimented with two side-kicks, as opposed to about a dozen. One was killed, and the other stays in the background. Reginold's style of speech and analysis of celebrity intelligence are chief concerns, since they produce the laughter.
I DID laugh with this series, but I'm just spooked at the notion of it becoming something worse than its intent. Keep up the good effort, but just be careful about where that goes...