Interesting but Not Stellar
I've heard better shit.
From you, of course. This is just a test.
Might be a track to a game, given some editing....
Interesting but Not Stellar
I've heard better shit.
From you, of course. This is just a test.
Might be a track to a game, given some editing....
Ok dude. Also, I have vox for xeno's new thing...just gotta polish them up.
Thanks man.
Good God, Why Did I Listen to This?
What the fuck is this, anyway? A porno soundtrack?
This was so gratuitous that it made me burst at the seams. That microphone is shit, though. I suggest redoing the song, Gore.
I feel like a total shit, but no matter how long I've listened to this track (it's that stellar), I still can't decipher the lyrics with any real precision. Thus, I must ask you to post the lyrics. Again, shit.
This track would make an awesome music video on Newgrounds. I mean, full-length music video, with theme and setting and animation totally fleshed out... so to speak. It might sound like an insult, but you haven't changed much over the years, Gore. That would only suggest that you're doing something right!
Better Than Africa Dudes
I've heard one guy compose a rearrangement of the main Legend of Zelda theme song with a Heineken bottle. I believe his name is Mattias Holmgren... one of the suckers from This reminded me of that... just not on the same scale. This works well as a loop for a cartoon, so I rate it high on that basis.
This short clip also reminds me of prehistoric-like caveman music, akin to primitive stone-knocking societies. It is my understanding that this song rocks on its own. I still get the nagging sensation that the sound quality could be better, but that's just being nit-picky.
What are the odds that if I go visit Bad-Man's profile I see a revised version of your song, Dependency 2010?
Cinematic Tribute
Holy Shit! OCRemix Material!
You could definitely try something like this, only not the same track here--make another one--and clean house with the finicky judges at Overclocked Remix.
Hey Neophyte, was an OCRemix?
It's Rough, it's Fly, it's on Fire
I just had one.
Maybe several.
I can pick up a biker babe with this tune.
Stay Metal.
The U.S. Has a Bill of Rights
Comedy Central reserves plenty of rights in regards to what gets broadcast on their station. That's their prerogative. I can respect that to some degree. The idea behind first amendment rights is that congress (Federal Government) cannot make laws that suspend any expression, congregation, or religion on part of the masses. They're not meant to support or denigrate particular religions. What the private sector does, however, they also leave alone, for the most part (ideally).
Comedy Central fears retribution from Islamic folk because they know the freak shows who use that religion as a stepping stone towards power and dominion over others is far more real than in the peaceniks of all Christian sects, particularly Catholicism (which practically every comedian shown on Comedy Central has thrown barbs at). There is a clear and present danger when handling the sensitive egos of the Islamic faith, but not with other faiths.
South Park, of course, defies this crap, pushing people's buttons specifically because someone has to. It's like Puck from the 19th century, or Mad Magazine, or any number of underground comics that poke barbs at society. They're not poking at the religion... they're poking at the people. Most if not all the problem with any religion, philosophy, or school of thought, is that the adherents will often use it out of context and separate themselves from others who do not share the same exact ideas in common. Just a bunch of little villages who don't like to speak to one another.
But people don't like being taken as fools. Satire is cynical in nature, and some have no respect for such an attitude. Pair that with the primitive inclinations of people who enter a faith in search of answers... and you'll get a bunch of people who do, in fact, grind axes. Comedy Central doesn't want to be on the receiving end of a bunch of people who will, according to stereotype, throw said axes at them.
Sensitivity is for the weak. Comedy Central should not give a damn and not worry about radical Muslims because they don't give a damn about Catholics, Christians, or Jews either. They should not need to self-censor themselves lest they lose one of their actual programming gems that have weathered 200 episodes, a milestone for that network. But since I don't think they'll back down from their oversensitive micromanaging, perhaps South Park will move to some other network willing to accept a crown of thorns unafraid to speak its mind.
First one to make this into a flash gets thrown in jail.
When one is drained of all humor, anything beautiful is met with one of two things: disdainful worry or worrisome disdain. Anything ugly is met with violence. Flash is complex and beautiful, not a toy. Keep that in mind... or things get ugly real quick.
Age 42, Male
Student & Volunteer
Quinsigamond Community College
Upton, MA USA
Joined on 9/3/03