View Profile Neophyte-Ronin

200 Audio Reviews

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I recall this riff from a previous track, like either The Deep South or that "Back in Black" spoof, a very groove metal-inspired riff. So yeah, this ain't fucking new at all. It's just something that got done up right, because it deserved it.


You scalped the audience. In a good way.

Very reminiscent of Pantera and Groove Style, with a tendency to thrash very hard. No cowbells, thank God. Overall, it's one of those pieces where you picture a scene in your mind of constant brutality or a crazy action scene, like a fighter jet doing kamikaze on the lumbering giant robot heading towards the city center.

In other words, evocative of hardcore imagery. Very well done.

Burn7 responds:

Hey thanks dude! Hah, it's kinda funny... I never really considered Pantera one of my influences, but after listening to the song again with your review in mind it really does sound Pantera-like and very groove-metalish.

Thanks for your review! :D

Screaming "Adult Contemporary" Here....

For a while I figured Bad-Man-Incorporated (remember him?) assisted in this song, if not in doing the guitar tracks then doing supporting vocals. Your voices have an ironic similarity. Also, he contributed guitar tracks for "Time" (your "finale" track) ages ago so I suspected another collaboration. Not to say I was disappointed, but know that your voice can, at times, get close to that guy's.

Anyway, I have this track downloaded (had done so for years thus far) and I still play it to this day. This is like when Metallica did Fade to Black and later songs like Welcome Home [Sanitarium] and Nothing Else Matters; your persona as a dramatic, melancholy pianist had you pegged, or typecast, so you decided to try something you always had your eye on and went with it. Ironic, then, that this track of yours is played most often in my playlists.

There is a need for a solo in this track. The song itself is well-written (got a few grammatical errors like "your" should be "you're" in the lyric sheet) but it only demonstrated a basic understanding of the guitar. Practice, practice, practice. For your polling question, I say pursue, if only to update the track. A solo is technically demanding but a good way of showing off. It doesn't not need to be furious since the tempo is upbeat without being hypersonic.

Overall, a good track. Pretty basic in terms of guitars, but good for a first try. Also a cool Fade-to-Black-esque change of pace for an otherwise melancholy pianist!

You Gave This Submission a Vote of "5"

The trick with November Breeze is that it is chill, thus aptly named. It's also worthy to throw in vocals in there if you wanted. These could be lyrics that are sang, or even calm instructions in case someone wishes to dance to it. It ain't a rave party track, but rather a slow dance that isn't from the adult contemporary rack. (Soft Rock, in other words; this track evokes a slow, smooth, almost intimate dance that doesn't involve outright groping).

The issue I have is that it ends. The other issue is that it ends a big poorly. You see after the song has ended, there is this beat that pounds and becomes prominent, as it is the last thing on the track. It almost seems to get stronger with each beat, or louder, like that water torture device where you have a single drip land on your head constantly until you can't stand it anymore. Drum beats that are so prominent seem to ruin any aspect of meditation found in this track, which becomes worse if you wish to loop the track in your player (and yet it is still loop-worthy).

November Breeze is a slick, meditative piece with excellent potential as music for its own sake. Since it does not tell a definite story or present a certain vision, it is hard to incorporate it into a Flash animation except as chill background music. There is that sense of ominous, ethereal eye-of-the-storm sort of calm that gives credence that this track is accompanied by two crushing tracks, one listed before, the other listed after. Oh by the way, this is album worthy.

In the track description, you say this is the best track you have on this site. I find it hard to imagine (although you're free to prove me wrong) that you can top the simple, soothing elegance that is November Breeze.

To Praise

It's pitiful that this song hasn't been played live in several years. It's a brooding, weathered protest song and also one of the highlights of your performance abliity; you really drive the emotion home rather than maintain your composure. The recording itself--assuming you don't get around to refinishing it--is a bit poor, with you going past the register. Still, this track should be one you consider redoing for an album, if not a single.

Outstanding (even after all these years)

I still got this song on my hard drive from the vgmix site. It still holds up to most of the newer arrangements and compositions on this site.

cyan11 responds:

Thanks! It's good to see that I still have some old fans here. How I wish vgmix would come back... ahh memories

Simple, Sweet, Slick

I still have your shit on my computer and occasionally play it. You're not dead to me. You just haven't submitted anything in four years. You haven't lost your touch at least.

When one is drained of all humor, anything beautiful is met with one of two things: disdainful worry or worrisome disdain. Anything ugly is met with violence. Flash is complex and beautiful, not a toy. Keep that in mind... or things get ugly real quick.

Age 42, Male

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Upton, MA USA

Joined on 9/3/03

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