Not Every Track is a Crowning Achievement, but....
Excuse me, but why would anyone JUST pretend to kill Bad-Man? They'd GO OUT AND FUCKING try all they might... but watch in horror as their heads exploded from his SHEER EXCELLENCE! Yes, it's that deadly. Probably the only reason the metalheads around Newgounds dare not form a meet-up of some kind: their heads are better off left intact....
Well anyway, Bad-Man is right. This is a shit track that could do with better mastering. Of course, rather than the competition it's made for, it would work better in a cinema all by itself, perhaps the intro of a villainous bully or masked killer with chainsaw or whatever, because let's face it: movie soundtracks aren't really into insane 360 bpm solos that fly all over the leads' axes that smoke from excessive duress. No. They sound slow, methodical, and gritty... which is exactly what this track is. If it isn't used for the battle of guitar contest, then some cocksucker with a tablet and his wits would illustrate something to this tune's hardened beat... provided that it's promoted in like fashion.
Like anybody should complain about mixing. Bad-Man has gone a very long way from his early days on the site in terms of mastering or getting that proper sound into a small file size at Newgrounds, whether it be for a game soundtrack or just to whip us like the boys we really are at heart... and I gotta tell you: this track is still a step above what he was doing several years ago. Though he is loath to admit it, his preference for slow, evil pacing in his tracks does not detract from the quality.
See, not everybody can thrash like the Big Four, and they really shouldn't use that as a gauge to determine their quality. Some guys prefer rhythm and kick ass anyway. Others, like Gore-Bastard, destroy their tracks with potty humor get-togethers with their buddies. As for Bad-Man, he honestly should not care too much about what others think: he's a solid musician, and even this shit track offers testament to it.
Post-Script: That's by no means a crack on Gore-Bastard or his Death-FUCKING-Metal (I liked his old profile banner, don't you?), I only suggest that these two musicians try to give themselves more credit than they're accustomed to. Anyway, keep on reviving Great Old Ones and stuff. Fuck Satan. Asshole owes me like fifty bucks.