At least I have an explanation behind your alleged absence. Being on #4 kind of sucks unless you skip around and worry about the track order later.
The brief voice-over is a little cheesy and perhaps not the best acted, but that's just a frill you can play around with to all eternity until it fits the mood.
You don't need the fastest fingers for the frightening feelings you get from this song... only, don't let it fade out so quickly, if it fades to silence; an abrupt crunch of an end might be better.
This sounds like a track that exists in the upper half of any album, even without correcting anything except the mastering. I look forward to the finished product, but if you're worried about finishing, why not solicit aid from the NG community? Don't forget that there are plenty of talented mo's here, so you don't have to trudge through alone. If, however, you prefer to pull this off as a singular effort, even then... we got your back covered.
Rock on!