Cheesy, but Clean and Somehow "Cutting-Edge"
Well, that was pretty cheesy. This doesn't have to be a Valentine's Day submission. One can only hope the girlfriend was impressed. A good bonus is that the cartoon is clean enough for General Audiences, almost unheard of around Newgrounds.
What stands out is the ability to watch the movie in color after watching it in silent film mode once. I don't see too many people talk about making an attempt, or how, since it looks like such a hassle to change all the colors. Is it an AS trick we're not aware of? Or it's something really simple, like restoring the saturation of the camera so that every layer beneath it has color again. Oddly enough, "How I Rescued My Girl" is "Cutting-Edge" in adding this feature. The viewer response between the two versions is likely to be different.
Nice work overall!